Brisbane Taiwan Art Exhibition
The Brisbane Taiwan Art Exhibition marks a significant milestone in my artistic journey as it represents my inaugural participation in an international showcase. As part of this prestigious event, I presented new paintings from my Australian flora flower collection to reflect my ongoing exploration of Australian native flora and to symbolise the cultural exchange and artistic dialogue fostered by this collaborative platform. The Brisbane Taiwan Art Exhibition is an exciting endeavour aimed at fostering arts and cultural exchange between Australia and Taiwan, while also serving as a platform to connect artists from these two nations and beyond. Organised by World Arts & Multi-Culture Inc. (WAMCI), this exhibition promises toook place at the prestigious Tainan Public Meeting Hall in Taiwan, from the 2nd to the 22nd of May 2024.
Andrea Moser Solo Exhibition 'Colourful Wanderings'
2 to 11 September 2022
My 'Colourful Wandering' exhibition was in the Inspired Art Gallery in the historic Pioneer Church at the Kenmore Uniting Church. On show were 25 of my latest acrylic artworks of colourful landscapes, flowers and abstracts reflecting my work's emotional and positive energy. My art was complemented by flower art from Sogetsu Ikebana Queensland, created especially for the exhibition. ​
Interview with Katharina Loesche from SBS German Radio. 26 August 2022
ANDREA MOSER SOLO EXHIBITION 'Deconstructed Lifecycles'
31 JULY TO 22 AUGUST 2020
The exhibition "DECONSTRUCTED LIFECYCLES" was at Aspire Gallery, Paddington, QLD.
The exhibition featured 26 encaustic medium paintings of Andrea's latest works